My adventures...or should I say MISADVENTURES...began 15 days ago! I was DETERMINED to get rid of the poison ivy in our back garden..or overgrown forest in the back yard...Mark has proven to be very allergic..and I had it once..a tiny little bit..So I was going to be his Knightess in shining garden gloves!!! So off I went! Gloves on...pruning tools in to sly the Ivy. I was vigilant to keep skin far away from it..but found its way to me..the oily little varmit! So the next line of defense that .."Always works" was to shower with Dawn dish soap...I did ..TWICE...but the oily creature had already laid its demise!
Saturday night I noticed a little red, itchy spot on my elbow...the inside..where it always bends...then another two on the same area...then another one down the wrist. Then the legs got involved...they figured if I was already itchy..why not get in on the action! So it kept coming..and coming...I have seen a pill called 'the poison ivy pill' work with Mark and I quickly ordered some..and could NOT wait to get it! FINALLY it got here! AHHHHH relief!!! At last!!! NOT!!! I took it as it said to..and soon MORE showed up..on my stomach..face and other arm! YIKES...A doctor friend of mine informed me I am VERY allergic to poison ivy..DUH!!! YA think?! Well..the pills added to it...I was already too full of the toxins..and my body was not able to fight it ...and this just added to it!
SO...lesson learned...STAY OUT OF POISON IVY!!! is finally starting to dry up...the histamine response is STILL great! Itchy all the now I have little bumps all over my arms too! AND...With all the stress this is causing my OLD and decrepit make matters even worse..I have a cold sore on ly bottom lip..right SMACK dab in the middle!@! OUCH! and one building on the inside of my throat!
BUT..... LIfe is good! Thatcher turns 1 on Thursday...YEAH!
Graham just got back from EFY..and had a ball...I was sooo lucky to go pick them up this 7 am...left here at 4:30 AM! And Monday EARLY morning hen heads off to Scout camp!
Hannah is bored...not too many friends come on down to play! She is working on her piano though a lot this summer...will get her back into lessons this fall.
Scott is working..and not see him much!
Mark is busy with work...calling..he too is heading to scout camp! and business trips!
Life is good!@ Enjoy every minute...My new outlook!